Top 10 tips for preventing falls at home

Top 10 tips for preventing falls at home

Falling as you get older is quite common, and although most falls don’t cause serious injury, they can leave you feeling upset and knock your confidence. However, the good news is falls aren’t an inevitable part of ageing. There are lots of things you can do to stay steady on your feet and safe in your own home.

Ageing does affect your balance, muscle strength and bones but these 10 simple tips can make all the difference in reducing the likelihood of having a fall and help you maintain your independence.

Spotlight on Alzheimer’s: 5 common myths uncovered

There is a huge amount of information out there about Alzheimer’s so it can be tricky to sift through it all to find out the truth. So, as part of Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, we share with you 5 common myths surrounding the disease and reveal the truth behind the claims.

10 signs your ageing parent may need extra care and support at home.

As elderly relatives age, they’re likely to require more help and support with daily life around their home. You may start noticing small things that make you think a helping hand may be needed.

Here we bring together the most commonly shared signs that it may be time to look for some extra support to ensure your mum or dad can continue living happily, confidently, safely and independently in the comfort of their own home.

Your 4-Step ‘Confidence at Home' Plan

Often when you venture into the world of care and support at home it’s for the first time, so it’s important you know what to expect when you first give a care provider a call. The 4-step plan is designed to give you both clarity that you will get the support you want and certainty about what it will cost. Before you make any decision, we’ll make sure you’ve got all the information you need and the confidence of knowing there won’t be any surprises or hidden extras.

Spotting the early signs of Dementia – 10 key signs

Dementia is a progressive condition so symptoms will gradually get worse over time. This can make it tricky to spot what’s going on or know when to reach out for help. While each person with dementia will handle their feelings in their own way, certain behaviours are common, here we share some frequent early signs of Dementia.

How to guide: Choosing the right type of care for you

It can be overwhelming when faced with the range of care options out there. To help out we’re sharing a simple ‘How to’ guide to choosing the right type of care to suit you. There’s no right or wrong choice here, it really depends on your specific situation, needs and preferences. The key is to take your time to explore all options and discuss them with a friend or family member so you can make an informed decision that’s right for you.

How to choose the right care provider - Top 10 questions to ask

None of us are fully prepared for the decision to introduce a little help into our lives and choosing the right care provider can feel daunting. We know that letting somebody new into your life and loved home requires trust so how do you choose between all the options out there and be confident you’ve made the right decision? Download our top 10 questions to ask any care provider - a really useful checklist to help you choose the right one for you.

Understanding Dementia and living a happy, safe life at home

You or a loved one may have been diagnosed with Dementia or has started showing signs, but what exactly is it and what does it mean for how you or they live their life? Here we take a look at what Dementia is, how it can impact lives, what can be done to ensure you or your loved one can continue living a happy, safe and fulfilling life at home and what other support and resources are out there to help.

What does care at home involve and how do I choose the right support?

You know you need some extra support at home but you’re independent and want to stay in control of your own life. So, where do you start? What does care at home mean, what services are available and how do you choose the right support for you? Download your free PDF to find out more including the benefits of care at home over other care options and the benefits of using a regulated care provider.

The importance of hobbies and activities to wellbeing

It’s no secret that keeping active both mentally and physically is vital to our wellbeing. Having a hobby in later life is key to mental stimulation, combatting social isolation, providing a sense of purpose and can help prevent the onset of cognitive conditions such as Dementia – doing something you love and with others who share that interest is one
of the best ways to keep your brain sharp and yourself happy.

Parkinson’s: Common questions answered & top 5 practical resources

More than a million people are affected by Parkinson’s in the UK. Living with it or knowing someone who is. Having Parkinson's can feel overwhelming if you don't have the right information and support.

Here we get answers to some of the most common questions about Parkinson’s and share with you some useful practical resources to help you feel more in control and supported.

Keeping fit and healthy whilst at home

If you’re at home it doesn’t mean you can’t keep moving! It’s no secret that exercise is great for both your mental and physical wellbeing. It can help to boost your immune system, increase flexibility and improve your sleep. Here we provide lots of exercise ideas suitable for the elderly from strengthening and balancing exercises to flexibility and seated exercises. All can be modified to suit any ability.