personal care

Personal care services


If you’re recovering from a fall or operation or have been finding moving around your own home more difficult, it’s surprising how quickly keeping up with personal care needs becomes a struggle. Sometimes it can feel pointless if you’re only going to stay in all day.

Family members may live away or maybe you are anxious about involving a loved one in your personal care. However, maintaining a personal care routine is critical to long-term health and keeping up personal hygiene can prevent many illnesses.   

What is personal care?

We work discreetly with you to create a personal care plan to help you maintain your daily routine and do so in ways that respect your privacy and dignity. Feeling fresh and clean can set you up for the day with a positive frame of mind. We’ll never rush your care, which is why our trained carers will visit for at least half an hour or as long as you need. Here’s a more detailed list of the care we provide.

  • Washing, bathing,or showering always respecting your dignity 

  • Helping with medication 

  • Skincare, applying lotions and creams  

  • Helping you get dressed or ready for bed  

  • Putting on make-up and hair care  

  • Shaving  

  • Footcare, looking after for your feet

  • Preparing Meals

  • Changing or looking after your catheter bag

  • Fresh continence pads, and keeping you clean

  • Helping you with toileting, or using a commode or bedpan

A fresh start: Mr H’s experience 

Mr H had been struggling to keep up with personal care for quite a while and as a result, he had been in and out of hospital with the same conditions – all of which were linked to his reduced levels of care.

We worked with Mr H helping him re-establish his routine. By including social care visits and outings in his weekly activities we also reintroduced a reason for him to make the effort. He built back his confidence and had a much improved quality of life.

Top tip : Supporting your mental health and wellbeing 

Maintaining a personal care routine is critical to long-term health and keeping up personal hygiene can prevent many illnesses but looking after your mental health, which is equally as important, is often side-lined. But it shouldn’t be. Being worried, feeling low or just a bit ‘out of sorts’ are important signs that you may need a little extra support. If you’re not feeling quite yourself, it can make coping with life’s ups and downs trickier, but the good news is there’s lots of homecare services support available.

Age UK have created a great guide on how you can help yourself feel a bit better when you’re struggling. Talking can also be a huge help, Age UK’s helpline is open 365 days a year on 0800 678 1602 or pop onto their Your mind matters web page for more guidance. The charity Mind also have an info line on 0300 123 3393 if you need to chat about how you’re feeling. 

Call us today to discover how we can support you with your personal care.