The importance of hobbies and activities to wellbeing


It’s no secret that keeping active both mentally and physically is vital to our wellbeing. Having a hobby in later life is key to mental stimulation, combatting social isolation, giving a sense of purpose and can help prevent the onset of cognitive conditions such as Dementia – doing something you love and with others who share that interest is one of the best ways to keep your brain sharp and yourself happy.

Download your Guide to Care at Home to discover how, with a little support, you can continue to live happily and safely at home.

Exercise your mind

It’s no coincidence that when we reach retirement age our brain power can begin to slow down. We stop work and suddenly we don’t need to make as many decisions or concentrate quite as much. But, we can give our brains a massive boost by taking up an interest or hobby - the old adage ‘use it or lose it’ is as relevant to our minds as it is to our bodies.

Better together

Pursuing a hobby or interest also provides the perfect opportunity for socialising. Shared interests can really magnify the health benefits; improving self-esteem, staving off loneliness and fighting depression.

Mental and physical benefits

Any hobby or activity which holds our interest can have many benefits including:

  • Improved memory: Puzzles, reading or card games will all boost memory.    

  • Positive outlook: Anything involving others makes us feel better about ourselves and improves our social skills.

  • Reduced stress: Taking part in something we enjoy can go a long way towards making us calmer.

If the activity is physical, and remember most can be modified to suit any ability, the rewards are even greater:

  • Boosting the immune system: Keeping physically active can help ward off illness and release endorphins – the ‘feel-good’ hormone.

  • Increased flexibility: By being active we are constantly stretching, which keeps us supple and flexible, improving mobility.

  • Improved sleep: Physical activity during the day will greatly enhance sleep, which then makes us feel better the following day too.

Check out our ‘Keeping fit and healthy at home’ blog post for lots of low-impact exercise ideas you can do from the comfort of your own home (or garden!).

We know the right support at home can help build confidence and bring peace of mind for the whole family. We support you to ensure you have the tools, support and confidence to keep your hand in, or try something new, whilst continuing to live as independently as possible.

“The right support at home can help build confidence and bring peace of mind for the whole family.”

Helping you to continue living independently and confidently in your own home.

By providing a range of support at home, we’re helping many clients across Bath & North East Somerset and West Wiltshire retain their independence and stay in control in the comfort of their own homes.

Remember we’re always here if you want to chat about your care options. Just get in touch:

Call 0333 043 4880 or email