Top 3 myths about the cost of care at home

When asked, people generally think of care at home as an expensive option, but it needn’t be. Here we reveal the truth behind the common myths about the cost of care and support at home.

Myth #1 – Care at home is more expensive than going into a care home

While choosing care isn’t, and shouldn’t be, all about finding the cheapest option, there is often a cost benefit to choosing care and support at home compared to moving into a care home full time.

Did you know that having home care can be almost a third cheaper than going into a care home?*

Care and support at home

It absolutely can be possible to give the level of care you need whilst staying in the comfort of your own home. It’s understandably less upsetting, less stressful and less confusing to stay around all your creature comforts and familiar surroundings.

To help you make an informed choice, we’ve outlined below some real-life care package examples to show you what the cost differences could be. Obviously, your package would be unique to you but these give you a good idea and as they are from existing or past client packages you can be reassured they’re realistic costs. All costs are based on one carer visiting.

So how does this compare to a care home? states that care in a residential care home is likely to cost around £910 per week, or £47,320 per year. For a nursing home your care is likely to cost around £1,100 per week, or £57,200 per year. A high frequency care at home package from us could cost around £358.50 per week which would include two visits daily, one morning and one afternoon including weekends**.

*source Based on the average amount self-funders pay for a residential or nursing care home in the area of Bath & North East Somerset Council. Fees paid by self-funders: LaingBuisson surveys of care homes 2019-20.

**Prices correct as of December 2020. Package cost is an example based on existing client data but the cost will vary depending on your requirements.

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If you’re looking for less frequent care then a care plan with one carer visiting for 30 minutes once a week on a weekday, for instance to help with shopping or jobs around the house, can cost as little as £17.75 a week (or £24.75 if you’d like a full hour visit). Check out our hourly rates here.

Residential care homes can provide great care, but all residential care comes at a high cost, regardless of the quality you’re receiving as an individual. It can also be an irreversible option, so it needs to be considered very carefully.

The added benefit of care and support at home is that it can be a service you pay for as needed. You decide the level of care and support you need, for as long as you want it with a dedicated small team of carers focused on your specific care.

Remember, sometimes care may be funded in full or in part by your local authority depending on your personal circumstances, the above are examples based on the full cost of care. Check out our Guide to Funding Care at Home for more information on financial support that may be available to you.

Myth #2 – There are always hidden costs

This needn’t be the case, but you need to be vigilant. Keep an eye out for quoted prices:

  • That don’t include carer travel mileage to and from your visit (it’s normal for travel involved in a visit e.g. for shopping visits or outings to be charged separately).

  • That come with cancellation charges or are inflexible if you need to change your support.

  • That vary depending on the area you live.

Cost of care explained

Our pricing structure is designed to be clear, fair and transparent. We give you a clear view of the cost of care at home to ensure you can make a fully informed decision. Our prices include mileage and are exactly the same whether you’re based in Bath & North East Somerset or West Wiltshire.

A good care provider will be transparent with their pricing and how it is calculated.

We pride ourselves on being an ethical care provider and place emphasis both on ensuring our staff are fairly paid for the work they do while at the same time keeping our prices as low as we can, recognising that the need to pay for care often occurs at difficult times in our clients’ lives.

There are a lot of elements that make up the cost of a care visit including fair pay rates for our staff (we’re accredited with the Living Wage Foundation) and the costs of travel, training and supervision as well as management costs and other overheads such as regulatory costs (we are regulated by the Care Quality Commission), offices, IT and insurance.

80% of everything we charge goes on paying our staff.

Myth #3 – You’ll be tied into a contract for a long time

You don’t need to be tied in at all - look out for a care provider that is flexible. Ensure you’re not going to be tied in for a long time.

Flexible care and support at home

We won’t tie you in with long notice periods - you can pause our service whenever you need to or just tell us that you are able to manage without us.

We can help with all kinds of situations including coming home from hospital, short-term and long-term support and even just ad-hoc occasional visits.

If you need just a single visit or maybe just a few visits, we’re more than happy to help.

Our regular care packages are also flexible, we only ask for 48 hours notice if you need to cancel an individual visit (if you’re off on holiday for example). If you no longer need our support, we only ask for one week’s notice.

What else do I need to consider?

The cost of care is understandably a big consideration but remember when you get the right care in place you can regain your quality of life so you’ll be back to living happily and confidently in the comfort of your own home.

As the old saying goes ‘you get what you pay for’ and this has never been more true than with care and support at home. This is an important investment in your future wellbeing so make sure you’re armed with all the information to make a clear and informed decision.

Care and support at home

It’s important to weigh up the benefits care could bring beyond simply a carer coming in to provide tasks, it’s so much more than that.

Your safety, companionship and support with hobbies are just a few of the other benefits of having some extra support at home.

Care and support should be there to enhance your enjoyment of life not just do things for you. We love nothing more than supporting you to build your independence so you can actually do more for yourself than if we weren’t around.

When comparing costs from different care providers, it’s also important to remember that not every care company provides the same level of service. Look out for the below key elements to ensure you’re getting the best care possible:

We can help support you through the journey of finding the right care provider by giving you a clear and straightforward pricing plan with no hidden costs. Plus, you can change the number of visits, frequency and length as and when you need to so you receive the support that suits you.

Book a call and we can chat through your options or download our Guide to Funding Care at Home for more information.

Helping you to continue living independently and confidently in your own home.

By providing a range of support at home, we’re helping many clients across Bath & North East Somerset and West Wiltshire retain their independence and stay in control in the comfort of their own homes.

Remember we’re always here if you want to chat about your care options. Just get in touch:

Call 0333 043 4880 or email