Importance of Companionship Care for a Loved One With Dementia

Importance of Companionship Care for a Loved One With Dementia

Dementia patients can have wide-ranging brain disorders with Alzheimer’s disease being the most common one. With the right care and support your loved one can live a healthy and happy life.

They may suffer from memory loss so it’s important for them to have a carer that knows how to properly care for them in any situation. Companionship care can provide the ideal solution as this service offers a supportive carer that specialises in helping your loved one living with dementia get the most out of life.

How To Talk To Someone With Dementia – Top 6 Tips

How To Talk To Someone With Dementia – Top 6 Tips

Alzheimer’s and dementia can change the way your elderly loved one hears, processes and responds to conversation. We appreciate this can be really challenging. Finding the right communication techniques can make caregiving a lot easier and improve the quality of life for you both. Here’s our top pick of dementia communication techniques.

What Are The Pros & Cons Of Having At Home Care Services?

What Are The Pros & Cons Of Having At Home Care Services?

There will be a time in everyone's life when they have to face the challenges old age can bring. For many, the idea of spending the remainder of their lives in the comfort and peace of their own homes is much more attractive than living in a nursing home. Discover the pros and cons of home care.

Dementia Care at Home: Managing Dementia Signs, Symptoms and Stages

Dementia Care at Home: Managing Dementia Signs, Symptoms and Stages

Did you know that 50 million people experience dementia worldwide? With such high numbers, there is a chance that someone you love and care for may show signs of dementia.

When this happens, it is critical to the person's health and well-being that you pinpoint the signs and symptoms of dementia as early as possible. By doing this, you’ll know how best to respond and when to ask for help with dementia care at home service.

When a family member is diagnosed with dementia, the next steps will dictate your loved one's quality of life. If you want to know the stages of dementia and how to care for older people experiencing these signs, read this article.

Christmas Caring Guide: ‘Everybody needs good neighbours…especially at Christmas'

With this Christmas looking a little different to usual, we’re urging you to check in on your elderly or vulnerable neighbours this festive period. To help give you some ideas of how you can help out in your local community, we’ve published our Christmas Caring Guide. These are our top tips to support anyone who may need a little extra help.

Rest and recharge: how to take a break when you're a carer for a loved one.

If you support and care for a friend or family member it can be tough on your relationship and takes its toll on you. To take good care of your loved one means you need to make sure you take good care of yourself. Time to rest and recharge is essential so that you can continue to give your best care.

We understand that it takes a lot of trust to hand over the care and support to someone else, even for a short while. But this is where relief visits come in…