Mental Health - Raising Awareness And Reducing Stigma

We’re always on the lookout for further ways to support our team and clients here at Abney & Baker and we’re pleased to announce this week one of our team has undertaken training to become our first Mental Health First Aider.

Mental Health First Aid training helps raise awareness of mental illness, enabling people to support themselves and others to aid recovery. The courses are designed to reduce stigma through education and increase the provision of care for those who need it most.

It was a great course, two days well spent in my opinion and I’m grateful I had the opportunity. Understanding mental illness and knowing how to support those with it is so important.
— Mental Health First Aider, Abney & Baker

What is Mental Health First Aid?

Mental Health First Aid teaches managers and staff how to spot signs and symptoms of common mental health issues, provide non-judgemental support and reassurance, and guide a person to seek professional support they may need to recover.


Workplace mental health training has been proven to make a lasting difference in people’s knowledge and confidence around mental health. Thanks to the development of mental health first aid training courses, responsible employers now have an opportunity to address the key issue of ignorance about mental health in the workplace. Those that choose to do so are likely to improve the workplace for staff and have a positive impact on business profitability.

What is the role of a Mental Health First Aider?

The role of the Mental Health First Aider is to support those who are experiencing mental ill health or distress. This support can vary from having a non-judgmental conversation through to guiding them towards the right support.

The Mental Health First Aider role includes:

  • Being able to recognise the early signs and symptoms of common workplace mental health illnesses

  • Having the necessary skills to have a supportive, non-judgmental conversation with those who need it

  • Possessing the knowledge and confidence to guide colleagues to the appropriate professional support if they require it

  • Promoting greater awareness of mental health in the workplace and reducing stigma.

This is just the first step, we’re exploring how we can roll this out across the company in order to provide support not only for all our team members but also our clients and their families. We’re committed to promoting greater awareness of mental health in the workplace and reducing stigma.

Helping you to continue living happily, confidently, safely and independently in the comfort of your own home.

By providing a range of support at home, we’re helping many clients across Bath & North East Somerset and West Wiltshire retain their independence and stay in control in the comfort of their own homes.

Remember we’re always here if you want to chat about your care options. Just get in touch:

Call 0333 043 4880 or Email