Companionship Care: What Is It and How Can It Benefit Your Ageing Loved Ones?

Do you have an elderly loved one who's in good health, but having a hard time moving around? Do you want a way to provide them with extra support with their daily tasks? Or, perhaps, they sometimes feel lonely, if they live alone? If so, then you need to look into companionship services.

These homecare services can support them to get back to doing their favourite hobbies, visit friends, pop to the garden centre, go for a coffee, and so much more. It truly is the answer that you and your loved one have been searching for.

See below for an in-depth guide on what companionship care is and why it's so beneficial for your loved one.

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What Is Companionship Care?

Over the last few weeks or months, you may have noticed that your loved one could use a little more help around the house and has perhaps become a bit more isolated in their home.

While you're always willing to lend a helping hand, you can't always be there for them. You have your job, and your own family to juggle as well. So you may often feel like you're being pulled in multiple directions.

You'll try your best to be there whenever you can, but how can you ensure they're receivingsupport when you aren't there? The answer is in-home care.

Whether your loved one needs personal care services as well or not, companionship care can provide that regular friendly face that gives everyone peace of mind.'

It's difficult for many people to come to terms with their ageing health. They're unwilling to admit that they need help. Companionship care will help your loved ones have the support they need without feeling like they're being smothered. They'll retain their independence whilst enjoying some new company..

Companionship care is focused on providing your loved one with a friend. Someone to have a cup of tea with, spend time with, give them peace of mind, encourage them to go to social events and so much more. It really can change your loved one's outlook on life and help them truly enjoy life. 

What Are the Benefits of Companionship Care?

As you might imagine, there are plenty of benefits to giving your loved one access to companionship care. See below for details.

1. Assistance With Everyday Tasks

It's no secret that most elderly people could use a bit more help around the house. A companion care plan helps older people with the daily tasks they need, and there's a wide range of services they offer.

This could mean helping them with household tasks and weekly activities, such as:

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  • Supporting them with friends and family members visits.

  • Talking to family members about their health and wellbeing.

  • Helping them do light housekeeping at home.

  • Giving your loved one a safe means of transportation to appointments, social events, etc.

  • Assistance with preparing their meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  • Running errands so that your loved one isn't constantly popping in and out of the house.

  • Offer companionship. Having a cup of tea, playing games, watching shows together, the list goes on and on!

You want to help your loved ones feel cared for through the personalised companionship care and support services, so be sure to reach out for more information on how a fully tailored care plan will help.

2. Meaningful Companionship

Most companionship care services you will find are task-oriented, meaning they focus more on giving their workers a list of things to cross off before they're done for the day.

Our companionship carers are relationship-oriented. We're focused on making a personal and meaningful connection with your loved one(s). Our staff genuinely care about older people and building friendships with them, not just viewing them as a client they're performing a service for. Often our carers say it feels like they're visiting their own grandparent and they treat your loved one as if they were, with that same genuine compassion and care.

Many elderly people worry about becoming socially isolated as they find it more and more difficult to get out of the house. A companion carer service like ours aims to build a genuine friendship and encourage them to get back to doing the things they love. Whether that's playing chess, visiting the local shops or popping out for a coffee and cake.

3. Customised Care

We briefly mentioned this already, but it’s worth repeating: our focus is to create a customised care package for your loved ones. This means supporting your elderly friends/relative with any tasks they need help with and ensuring they keep enjoying the independence to do the tasks they are quite confident and happy to do on their own.

This could be things like encouraging get-togethers to make new connections and friendships, helping them visit family and friends, going shopping, and so much more.

The options are virtually endless. We assess with you and your loved one where they need the most encouragement and support... then devise a plan to help them thrive.

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4. Increases Fulfilment in Their Lives

Your loved ones cherish every m9oment they get to spend with you. But you aren't able to be there for them every second of the day. You have other things to worry about as well!

Our companionship care aims to help elderly people get more fulfilment out of their days. We want to help them stay connected and build meaningful friendships.

We love getting the chance to help older people form new friendships, pick up new hobbies, and explore different activities they've never tried before.

Learn More About Abney & Baker Companionship Care Services

Now that you have seen all the different benefits of companionship care and the surrounding services, be sure to reach out to Abney & Baker for a brand you can trust.

Also, take a look at this article for more information on why the elderly choose care at home.

For further enquiries, please feel free to reach out to our team and we will be happy to chat through your specific needs and options available to you and your family.

Helping you to continue living independently and confidently in your own home.

By providing a range of support at home, we’re helping many clients across Bath & North East Somerset and West Wiltshire retain their independence and stay in control in the comfort of their own homes.

Remember we’re always here if you want to chat about your care options. Just get in touch:

Call 0333 043 4880 or Email