3 Ways To Look After Your Eye Health

Millions of people in the UK are living with sight loss. Half of this sight loss is though to be avoidable so here we’ve pulled together 3 top ways to look after your eye health or that of a loved one.

As well as your regular optician check-ups there are plenty of other simple things you can do.

1. Eat Well

Nutrition plays a vital role in supporting your eye health.

The old adage that carrots are great for the health of your eyes is actually based on fact as they contain high levels of vitamin A which contributes to the maintenance of healthy vision. The vitamin A comes from the beta-carotene that’s converted to vitamin A by the liver.

Fish, nuts and legumes, seeds, citrus fruits, leafy green veg, sweet potatoes and eggs are also beneficial so it’s worth including more in your daily diet.

2. Stay Active

The British Journal of Ophthalmology state that people with an active lifestyle are 70% less likely to develop age-related macular degeneration (vision impairment resulting from deterioration of the central part of retina, a thin layer at the back of the eye on the inner side) than those leading a less active lifestyle.


3. Get Protected

Your eyes are ten times more sensitive to UV light than your skin, so even in the autumn and winter, sunglasses or UV protective lenses are worthwhile.

Ongoing exposure to UV rays can be a main risk factor of age-related macular degeneration - the leading cause of sight loss in the UK - and cataracts - clouding of the eyes lens - which currently affects one in three people over the age of 65.

Check out our other blogs for more tips for staying healthy and happy at home.

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