7 Hot Weather Tips To Keep Your Elderly Loved One Safe

The heat can be uncomfortable for everyone but overheating and heatstroke can be particularly challenging as we get older.

To keep everyone safe and comfortable, we’ve dug out the top 7 practical ways to help your elderly relative or friend stay cool indoors this summer.

#1 Drink plenty of water

Elderly Home Care Services

An obvious one but remember your loved one doesn’t need to feel thirsty to be dehydrated so it’s an easy one to overlook.

Always ensure they’ve got a glass of water by their side and sip on it regularly throughout the day. It’s recommended that you drink between 6 and 8 glasses of cold water a day. It can help to use a jug or bottle with a measurement on so they can see how much they’ve had as it can be easy to lose track.

#2 Keep a cold flannel nearby

A damp flannel or cloth on the back of their neck or wrists is often better at cooling them down than a fan.

Perhaps have a bowl of cool water next to them to keep refreshing the flannel as it can soon get warm again.

#3 Reduce caffeine intake

It’s advised to avoid coffee or drinks containing caffeine. Caffeine’s diuretic effects (that’s increased production of urine to you and me!) can cause dehydration, especially when it’s very warm outside.

Elderly keeping cool at home

Drinking alcohol can also have the same effect so it’s worth reminding them to be mindful of they’re drinking.

#4 Keep the rooms cool

Keeping blinds or curtains closed when the sun is on the room can help regulate the room temperature during the day.

As much as it’s tempting to open the windows to let the breeze in (if there is one!), it’s best to keep them closed when it’s cooler inside than out otherwise you’re just circulating the warm air inside.

#5 Eat cold meals and cooling snacks

Your loved one may not feel as hungry when it’s hot but eating cold meals and cooling snacks will help keep them hydrated.

Why not try a pasta salad, ice lolly, watermelon slices, strawberries or cucumber sticks, they’re all nice and light whilst still being water rich.

Healthline have produced a handy list of the most hydrating foods which can be useful as a reference.

Elderly relaxing in garden

#6 Wear light layers

Ensure your loved one wears layers of lightweight clothing in light coloured cotton so it’s easy to adjust to the temperature throughout the day by removing or adding layers.

#7 Avoid Direct Sunlight

If your loved one does pop out, even in the garden, it’s best to avoid direct sunlight and especially during the hottest part of the day.

Don’t forget

Double check how their medication is stored. Most are meant to kept below 25°C so it might be best to keep them in the fridge when it's really hot – always check the label.

Free Age UK guide

If you’re looking for something to pass onto your loved one as a reminder, Age UK have produced this handy downloadable guide which gives a great summary of tips.

Help & support

Our carers are always here if you need some extra support with your loved one, giving you the peace of mind that they’re regularly seeing a smiley face and there’s someone checking they’re happy and safe.

Just give us a call or book a call below and we’re happy to have a chat about your family’s needs.

Sources: Age UK, Age Space Org, Daily Caring

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