
How To Talk To Someone With Dementia?

How To Talk To Someone With Dementia?

Dementia affects each patient differently, so it’s important to communicate with them in the right way for them. It’s key to listen carefully to your loved one and take time to process what they have said before you respond to them. You can also have meaningful nonverbal communication with someone diagnosed with dementia.

Here you can learn a few tips on how to better communicate with your loved one suffering from vascular dementia, mixed dementia, lewy body dementia, frontotemporal dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

Why Is Early Diagnosis Of Dementia Important?

Why Is Early Diagnosis Of Dementia Important?

The early diagnosis of dementia is key to delay the rapid progression of the disease. It is a life-changing condition that can cause distress and sadness to those diagnosed with it. However, for many people, the diagnosis comes as a relief for them and their families because now they can finally start treatment and reach out for care and support to improve their quality of life.

Read our guide for more information on why early diagnosis of dementia is important.

Read our blog on how you can help your loved one with fall prevention.

Top Tips For Preventing Falls

Top Tips For Preventing Falls

Fall-related injuries can be a threat to the health of your aged loved ones and it can hamper their independence and knock their confidence. However, falls should not become a common occurrence with age. Your loved one can reduce the chance of falling following the below proven ways to reduce the likelihood of falls.

Read our blog on how you can help your loved one with fall prevention.

Your Guide To Sensory Impairment Care

Your Guide To Sensory Impairment Care

When your loved one’s sense of sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste, or spatial awareness stops working as it should, it’s known as sensory impairment. Sensory impairments are common in a number of people that already have partially sight and hearing loss.

The sensory loss (such as hearing or sight) can lead to your loved one finding it tricky to communicate with others. It can also cause them distress and frustration in their daily life. In this blog we discuss the functionality of care at home and how it helps sensory impairement.

7 Stages Of Lewy Body Dementia

7 Stages Of Lewy Body Dementia

The term dementia is an umbrella word for various progressive neurological disorders. These disorders affect the brain function of the individual. There are over 200 subtypes but the most common causes of dementia are vascular dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, frontotemporal dementia, and mixed dementia.

This affects millions of people around the globe, with most patients being the elderly. The different types of dementia have varying symptoms and severity.

In this article we shine the spotlight on Lewy Body Dementia to really understand what it is, the stages involved and what support is available.

How To Talk To Someone With Dementia – Top 6 Tips

How To Talk To Someone With Dementia – Top 6 Tips

Alzheimer’s and dementia can change the way your elderly loved one hears, processes and responds to conversation. We appreciate this can be really challenging. Finding the right communication techniques can make caregiving a lot easier and improve the quality of life for you both. Here’s our top pick of dementia communication techniques.

Dementia Care at Home: Managing Dementia Signs, Symptoms and Stages

Dementia Care at Home: Managing Dementia Signs, Symptoms and Stages

Did you know that 50 million people experience dementia worldwide? With such high numbers, there is a chance that someone you love and care for may show signs of dementia.

When this happens, it is critical to the person's health and well-being that you pinpoint the signs and symptoms of dementia as early as possible. By doing this, you’ll know how best to respond and when to ask for help with dementia care at home service.

When a family member is diagnosed with dementia, the next steps will dictate your loved one's quality of life. If you want to know the stages of dementia and how to care for older people experiencing these signs, read this article.

Spotlight on Alzheimer’s: 5 common myths uncovered

There is a huge amount of information out there about Alzheimer’s so it can be tricky to sift through it all to find out the truth. So, as part of Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, we share with you 5 common myths surrounding the disease and reveal the truth behind the claims.

Spotting the early signs of Dementia – 10 key signs

Dementia is a progressive condition so symptoms will gradually get worse over time. This can make it tricky to spot what’s going on or know when to reach out for help. While each person with dementia will handle their feelings in their own way, certain behaviours are common, here we share some frequent early signs of Dementia.

Understanding Dementia and living a happy, safe life at home

You or a loved one may have been diagnosed with Dementia or has started showing signs, but what exactly is it and what does it mean for how you or they live their life? Here we take a look at what Dementia is, how it can impact lives, what can be done to ensure you or your loved one can continue living a happy, safe and fulfilling life at home and what other support and resources are out there to help.