Elderly Falls

How To Talk To Someone With Dementia?

How To Talk To Someone With Dementia?

Dementia affects each patient differently, so it’s important to communicate with them in the right way for them. It’s key to listen carefully to your loved one and take time to process what they have said before you respond to them. You can also have meaningful nonverbal communication with someone diagnosed with dementia.

Here you can learn a few tips on how to better communicate with your loved one suffering from vascular dementia, mixed dementia, lewy body dementia, frontotemporal dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

Why Is Early Diagnosis Of Dementia Important?

Why Is Early Diagnosis Of Dementia Important?

The early diagnosis of dementia is key to delay the rapid progression of the disease. It is a life-changing condition that can cause distress and sadness to those diagnosed with it. However, for many people, the diagnosis comes as a relief for them and their families because now they can finally start treatment and reach out for care and support to improve their quality of life.

Read our guide for more information on why early diagnosis of dementia is important.

Read our blog on how you can help your loved one with fall prevention.

Top Tips For Preventing Falls

Top Tips For Preventing Falls

Fall-related injuries can be a threat to the health of your aged loved ones and it can hamper their independence and knock their confidence. However, falls should not become a common occurrence with age. Your loved one can reduce the chance of falling following the below proven ways to reduce the likelihood of falls.

Read our blog on how you can help your loved one with fall prevention.