The Importance Of Home Care Services For Your Loved One Following A Hospital Visit

Every health care professional is concerned about the well-being of their patients, especially when they are discharged from hospital. Usually, one of the family members takes responsibility to care for their loved one, but over time it can be overwhelming. This can result in it being emotionally draining, and possibly change the relationship between you both.

With the best care and support the hospital staff put into helping the patient recover, they cannot completely prepare them for the challenges of leaving hospital, or how your loved one can remain independent and safe at home. No one wants to leave their own home, unless through choice. A person’s home is their safe and comfortable place, cherished with memories. 

In this blog, we talk about why home care services are important for your loved one, and how they can help your loved one’s quality of life, particularly after returning from hospital.

How homecare services help your loved one?

home care service melksham

The reality of needing home help is always the biggest challenge to overcome. Whether it being a hospital discharge or a short term illness where there is a change in circumstances for them, it can be hard for your parent or loved one to admit and accept they need extra support.

  • Some patients may not comprehend the severity of their condition, or they may understand and start to dust over their recovery guidelines, because they are worried of having to leave their own home if they’re seen to not be coping.  

  • They can also fail to understand the information they were given around rehabilitative exercises, when to take prescribed medicines, and continue to prepare meals, keep on top of the housework and much more. They may also have difficulty getting to and from their appointments. Plus, their discharge plan may feel too complex to follow, and they miss essential things.

  • They may have difficulties moving around their home, or they might have chores that are strenuous and require a lot of effort. Therefore, you or they may worry that their home is not the right place for their recovery.

This is where home care services come in. Home care services offer the right care and support for your loved one at the right time. It also gives you as their carer relief from the non-stop care duties. With help from a home care assistant, you can ensure that they are supported throughout every element of their recovery, so they can stay safe, happy, and still retain their independence in the comfort of their own home. It can feel like a big weight has been lifted off your shoulders knowing you’re not the sole support for your loved one, plus it leaves you to enjoy quality time together.

Your loved ones home care services team will ensure the discharge is followed correctly. The home care assistant will also help them in their activities and daily chores previously.

This covers activities such as therapeutic exercise, support with medication, keeping on top of household tasks and preparation of meals. The home care services team will also provide much-needed reassurance and a friendly face to allay any concerns they may have about returning home to recover.

A home carer’s job is to offer a personalised experience for your loved one and family. The home care assistant will understand what works for them, support them in adjusting, and help them continue living independently in their own home.

All our clients have personalised domiciliary care plans, including specialist dementia care, companionship care and personal care. Our specially trained home carers develop long-term relationships with your loved one. The trust built will make all the difference to their health and mental wellbeing over many weeks, months or years. 

How to find the right homecare service:

Finding the right home carer is understandably important to you and your loved one, there are many things you will need to consider. Therefore, before heading out and searching for homecare services, here are a few tips:

Identify the needs of your loved one

It is important to know the level of assistance or help required by your loved one.  Some questions that can help you are here:

  • Does your loved one require the supervision of a care worker with the medical knowledge to work with medicine administration, special equipment or surgical intervention?

  • Does your loved one need assistance with bathing, going to the toilet, and personal hygiene, known as personal care?

  • Is your loved one able to eat or prepare their meals, can they shop, drive to their appointments?

  • Will they require constant supervision or company with them when going out?

  • Will your loved one need live in care, around the clock or just a few visits?
    Does your loved one need palliative care?

These questions can help the care team get a general overview of your loved ones. But also don’t worry if you don’t have the answers straight away.

Our assessment by one of our friendly Community Support Managers will be a chance for you and your loved one to talk about potential needs, and we can assess support whilst we’re there.

Clarify the home carers ideal personal attributes

Home care services are personalised support or assistance that caters for the specific needs of your loved one. Initially, it can be an alien experience for your loved one to have extra help from a carer coming into their home. The carer will help them in their most vulnerable and personal moments, so you should also discuss these when searching for a home carer. 

All our carers are compassionate and respect our client’s dignity. So remember to try and keep your loved one open minded, but it’s useful to know of any strong preferences for the type of person they particularly get on well with.

Where to find home care services:

respite care

Take a look online at the provider’s website, read reviews on sites like, and also check out how they treat their carers on sites like These will all be telling whether they are a good care provider. 

It’s also worth speaking to friends or colleagues for any personal recommendations. Obviously, everyone’s needs are different, but you’ll still get a good feel for things. 

Remember, it’s good to start with home care as early as possible, even if it’s just for a short visit a week. It gets your loved one used to the idea of support and having someone else in their home. If eventually more care is needed, your loved one will already have that relationship they have built, where the carer and client develop a reliable solid relationship. It makes the transition to more care visits so much easier.

Choose home care services services from Abney & Baker

Care agencies such as Abney & Baker offer the best solution for home care services

At Abney & Baker, you and your loved one will be offered a personal experience from a care team who care about giving the best quality support they can. They’re backed up by a fantastic team of managers who value the hard work and compassion the carers bring every day without fail. Our professional home carers will ensure your loved one is provided with the right assistance and support, while respecting their privacy and independence.

To speak to our award-winning home care services team on your doorstep, Melksham and nearby vicinity, visit our website here:

Helping your loved one to continue living independently and confidently in their own home.

By providing a range of support at home, we’re helping many clients across Bath & North East Somerset and West Wiltshire retain their independence and stay in control in the comfort of their own homes.

Remember we’re always here if you want to chat about your care options. Just get in touch:

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